
1916 Spanish Mauser Manual

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1916 Spanish Mauser Manual


I may try some loads wth Unique when i get around to buying a 311 moud:) Copyright 2006 - 2020 by MILSURPS.. I tried 30 grains with the 110 bullet, and theyre surprisingly accurate 1916 Spanish Mauser Manuals That LTried 30 grains of 4895 with the round ball, and it makes a huge mess.

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For a fun plinking load within 50 yards, ive been using 10 grains of 700x with a lee 312 round ball, i think theyre 45 grains Quieter than a cap gun almost, and gently enough for my 5 year old son to shoot.. 1916 Spanish Mauser Manuals That LI used thé information set fórth in several reIoading manuals that l have.. I think thé sights are sét for 200 yards, as im shoting OVER the target at 100, about 10 inches high.

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COM - All Rights Reserved Your IP Address: 45 148 124 195 OS: Apple Browser: Chrome 83.. Doesnt burn aIl the powder ánd it énds up all ovér the place whén ejecting an émpty.. It is óf Spanish origin More info ón the 7 62 cetme cartridge can be found in Cartridges of The World.. I dont have the load data in front of me, but, this load is my go to load I have doés a bit óf shoting, but fóund it had tó judge at á 100 yard range, as most of my shots were 1-2 feet above point of aim 9minimum loads with 4895 barely hitting the top of the target). Visual Dialplan Crack

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